Resources: Healthline
For the first few weeks of your little one's life bathing isn't necessary, but it's important to keep them clean. Milk and spit up, among other things, can build up and irritate skin on their face, neck, thighs and behind. It's important to keep these places clean with a gentle sponge bath.
Scrub A Dub Dub
After a few weeks, your baby's umbilical cord should fall off naturally. This is the sign that they can now be bathed in a baby bathtub or non-slip sink insert! If you are using a bathtub, place the tub on a safe surface or floor, and fill with a few inches of warm water.
"The ideal temperature is 98.6°F (between 37°C and 38°C). You can use a bath thermometer to monitor the temperature, or check the water with your wrist or elbow to confirm it’s warm and not hot." Healthline
With one hand support their head, while the other helps to place baby feet-first into the tub. Be careful, babies can be very slippery! Grab a plastic cup to tenderly pour water over them to rinse and keep them warm. Remember that their head and shoulders should stay far above the water line!
Wash cloths are helpful when cleaning chubby rolls, and as your little one gets older they may enjoy chewing on the rinsed cloth as well! Use a delicate shampoo, such as Newborn 2-in-1 Hair & Body Wash to clean baby's hair 1 to 2 times a week. Shampooing more often than this may dry out or irritate their sensitive skin.
Newborn 2-in-1 Hair & Body Wash gently cleans hair and body without removing natural moisture from skin. The calming formula rebalances skin's pH, and provitamin B and vitamin E keep hair healthy and shiny. It is mild enough for daily use, and can be used on newborns and babies with sensitive skin.
Babies should always be supervised during bath time. Never leave a child unattended around water, not even for a second!

Newborn 2-in-1 Hair & Body Wash Users Rave
"Yummiest smell. My almost 2 year old gets so many compliments when family and friends hold her because of how sweet she smells! Absolutely loved this stuff from newborn to now!"
-Josie, Las Vegas
"I first received this as a gift at my baby shower for my oldest (over 2 years ago). It’s now the only soap I use for my kids. The scent is the single greatest thing I’ve ever smelled in my life. The scent lasts for days after their baths, unlike a lot of soaps. It is worth every single penny."
-Klalex, Ohio
"I have been using this product with my grandchildren for 4 years now. The children don’t mind getting their hair washed because the soap is so gentle and does not sting their eyes."
-Kathy, Washington
"I have used this on both of my babies now and I’ll never choose another line of products. My newest baby girl has very sensitive skin and this Newborn 2-in-1 wash helps her stay rash- and bump-free without drying out her skin."
-Emily, Oklahoma
"This wash is amazing! It is very gentle and smells great. It cleanses and moisturizes my granddaughter's delicate skin. We've been using this since she was born and have never had any issues."
-Angela, Texas
DISCLAIMER: Content on this site is not a substitute for professional medical or healthcare advice, diagnosis, treatment, dietary, or safety advice, and may not be used for such purposes. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified expert with any questions you may have regarding a medical question, condition, or safety concern. Reliance on information presented on this site is at your own risk. This site contains the opinions and views of others and does not represent the opinions and views of Noodle & Boo, LLC. Given the interactive nature of this site, we cannot endorse, guarantee, or be responsible for the accuracy or efficacy of any content generated by our users or bloggers.
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