Our Story
Our story is unique in that our founder, Christine Burger, started with a Personal Mission Statement
which led to a Vision and Purpose for Noodle & Boo.
Before Noodle & Boo, Christine was an executive at a software company where Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, was invited to speak at a retreat. He challenged the team to think about their long-term goals beyond day-to-day life as an employee, family member, partner or friend. He asked each person, “What is your life’s purpose?” Reflecting on her life, Christine kept coming back to a moment when her first son, Andrew, was born.
After nine years of trying to start a family, Andrew's birth was truly the greatest joy Christine had ever known. Days home from the hospital, as she rocked him to sleep, she found herself overwhelmed by how powerful her instinct to protect was, and how very much she loved this tiny little human. Her mind wandered… "What about all the babies who are born into homes where parents do not have the means, desire or ability to provide for them?" She found herself gently rocking her baby and crying for all the babies who weren't being loved and nurtured. This vivid memory was the inspiration for what became her personal mission statement, "To bridge the gap for children who don't have parents who can fight for them."

This vivid memory was the inspiration for what became her personal mission statement, "To bridge the gap for children who don't have parents who can fight for them."
Fast forward, pregnant with her second son, Matthew, Christine retired from high tech. When Matthew was 6 months old and Andrew was 4, Christine began to truly think about how she would fulfill the mission statement that she’d written years ago. Her days were busy caring for her young children. She enjoyed making homemade baby food and remedies for their minor ailments. Andrew had severe eczema and Matthew's skin was very sensitive.

She tried to find products that didn't irritate their skin. At the time, "natural" was a fairly new idea and Christine found herself at health food stores buying every natural baby product on the market. Natural products weren't making their skin any better, nor were any of the homemade remedies she'd found. She began to think about best-of-class skin care products for babies with sensitive skin. The vision was to create products that had the efficacy of pharmaceutical products, but using only natural and proven-safe ingredients for sensitive skin. Inspired by the idea, she hired a chemist who specialized in "natural and holistic" formulations.
Noodle & Boo is truly a mission of love.
After two years of development and testing, 'Noodle & Boo' was born. The company is named after the nicknames of Andrew (Noodle) and Matthew (Boo). To put her personal mission statement into action, a significant percentage of Noodle & Boo’s profit goes to helping children in need, every single month. Noodle & Boo is truly a mission of love. A little trivia―the company logo of the two children’s heads is actually a silhouette of Andrew and Matthew from Disneyland!