Whether you’re a first-time parent or simply in need of a refresher, we've compiled wonderful resources for you to use! The recommended books here provide invaluable advice you can trust, and will help you give your little one a healthy start! There are some things in pregnancy you'll have control over, and some things you just won’t. Either way, its best to be prepared for what's to come by learning how to care for your changing body and your new bundle of joy.

Mayo Clinic Guild To A Healthy Pregnancy: 2nd Edition by Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy is an authoritative, yet practical reference manual from the pregnancy experts at the #1 ranked hospital in America. Mayo Clinic Here you'll find detailed information on fertility, how to use necessary medications safely, prenatal care, common pregnancy symptoms and childbirth.
The book also touches on current trends such as home births, placentophagy and vaginal seeding, as well as recommendations and information on technologies in prenatal care and childbirth. This comprehensive guide will become your go-to source for any question that may come to mind.

Nuture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood - and Trusting Yourself and Your Body by Erica Chidi, birth and postpartum doula
"An empowering guide to trusting yourself and your body in pregnancy, birth, and beyond," Natalist Nuture includes supportive self-care tips and mindfulness exercises, delicious and nourishing recipes for each month of pregnancy, advice for giving birth in different environments, and visual tools such as helpful illustrations, charts, and lists to prepare!
Nuture takes a holistic and mama-centric approach to the emotional and physical changes occurring during pregnancy, and the arrival into parenthood. All approaches to birth are explained in an unbiased way to help you choose the delivery method that is right for you.

Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant!: The Ultimate Guide to Black Pregnancy & Motherhood by Shanicia Boswell
"Written with lighthearted humor and cultural context, Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant! discusses the stages of pregnancy, labor, and motherhood as they pertain to pregnant Black women today."
This guide to the modern mama delves into all things motherhood, including how women announce their big news in the age of social media, what the best protective hairstyles are for labor, how to financially prepare for birth, if it's possible to maintain your relationships and friendships during motherhood, and more!
This pregnancy guide has a unique focus on issues like Black maternal birth rates, and shares personal stories of pregnancy, labor, and motherhood.
Not just for first time moms, Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant! has something for everyone. It shares topics helpful to pregnant Black women on their second, third, or fourth born.

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide by Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, Ann Keppler, Janelle Durham and April Bolding,
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn is a book to empower, reassure, and guide new parents through normal, healthy processes, typical variations, and common care practices. Once these subjects are thoroughly laid out, it extends to potential pregnancy and birth complications, explaining care practices and procedures to resolve them, and what questions you should ask your doctor, midwife or doula.
This book is also a great resource for nutritious meals while pregnant, successful birthing plans, how to reduce stress in a healthy way, and caring for baby and yourself after birth!
We appreciate the inclusive language "reflecting today's various family configurations such as single-parent families, blended families formed by second marriages, families with gay and lesbian parents, and families formed by open adoption or surrogacy."

First Time Dad: Pregnancy Handbook for Dads-To-Be by Steven Bell & Ava Burke
Calling all first time dads! Welcome to Fatherhood, First Time Dad will prepare you for the journey that is pregnancy, labor and delivery, and life with a newborn!
Here you'll learn how to support your partner through her 9 months of pregnancy - learn how her body is changing, what foods are best for her and baby, and upcoming doctor and medical visits. You have no idea how much support you'll give just by attending all baby's appointments. Showing up in this way will also help you feel more connected to your growing child. Do yourself a favor and don't miss a visit!
Once baby is here, you'll be ready to care for your newborn, long-term plan for their future, and rekindle the romance with your partner when you're both ready.
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