Top 6 Baby Registries



Top 6 Baby Registries


Congratulations on welcoming your newest little addition! Now it's time to prepare. Once you've made the announcement to family and friends you'll most likely be inundated with questions of "What do you need; what can we get you?"

Choosing the right baby registry can be overwhelming with so many options out there. We've put together a list of the top baby registries to make it easier on you, as you search for the right products to fit your and baby's needs.


Cute little baby sitting in the front of a cart at the store, baby products are on either side of the aisle.


Reviewed as the best overall, Target Baby Registry offers tons of great features and a wide range of products for baby, from large items such as furniture and nursery decor, to the smaller but just as important products like diapers, wipes, and pacifiers. Target is a one stop shop, and offers a free registry return policy where you can return or exchange anything from your registry up to one year.

Enjoy a free welcome kit after you create your registry account, filled with a collection of great coupons and sample products for you and baby! And with the universal registry feature you can add products to your list from other websites.

Use gift tracking to see who gave you what, and who you’ve already thanked. Group gifting makes it easy for your friends to "chip in" together toward larger items.

Didn't get everything you requested on your registry? Target offers a 15% off registry coupon where you will receive a 15% discount on anything left on your registry, 8 weeks before baby’s expected arrival.


With millions of items to choose from, Amazon Baby Registry is easy to use and a wonderful resource when looking for a large variety of items. Amazon offers a free welcome box upon sign up, that includes items for parents and baby valued up to $35.

Not sure whether baby will use an item gifted to you? With free 365-day returns you have a full year to return most items purchased from your registry.

Amazon also allows group gifting, so multiple people can contribute to a bigger gift. With their universal registry add an item from any site to your list!

If you did not receive everything you needed to prepare for baby, they have a 10% completion discount for items left on your registry. Prime members receive 15% off.

Buy Buy Baby

Helping you embrace parenting confidently and shop worry-free, Buy Buy Baby Registry is the hub for baby supplies and sports some of the best discounts for parents shopping on a budget. You'll be pleased to find benefits of signing up are baby registry freebies such as free samples, coupons and a copy of their guide, as well as referral rewards in which you'll receive $25 off a $100 in-store purchase for each friend you register.

You'll also enjoy free shipping for your baby's first year when the value of gifts purchased from your registry exceeds $1,500. Use Buy Buy Baby's interactive checklist to keep track of the items you need and want, with a built in thank you list so you can easily send out your thank you notes later.

For the items remaining on your registry, get 15% off with the completion discount!


Here to help you plan for the arrival of your little one, Walmart Baby Registry is the best option for low prices! Upon creation of your account you'll receive a free welcome box filled with baby essentials, shipped right to you.

With 4,500+ store locations registrants & gift-givers can visit any store to browse, shop, or return gifts. Sometimes its better to check out a product in person to see if it's right for you!

Easy one-year returns allow free returns for up to one year on eligible registry items.


Equipped with informative guides for all of the stages of babyhood, the Babylist Registry is a universal registry allowing you to add any item from any store, even meaningful gifts that can't be found in stores! Think helpful coupons from one loved one to another, offering home cooked meals, house cleaning and dog walking.

Those who choose Babylist will be eligible (with a minimum of $10 Babylist store purchase), for a free baby box full of goodies for both parent and baby, called the Hello Baby Box!

Get everything you need with a 15% completion discount to the Babylist store.

Pottery Barn Kids

With safe and healthy baby products you can trust, Pottery Barn Kids Registry hosts beautiful nursery 'must-haves' and has been on Barron's 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies list for the past 3 years.

They offer registry newsletters filled with helpful tips on preparing for your baby's arrival, and highlights of their latest baby products to help you put the finishing touches on your registry and nursery.

Check out their online Thank-You Note Organizer, recording the name and address of each gift giver as well as the items they purchased. This enables you to keep track of who still needs to be thanked and provides an easy way for you to view gifts received. 

Gift wrapping is complimentary in any store and is available online or by phone for a small charge.

For six months following your event date, Pottery Barn Kids offers a 20% discount on purchases of any remaining items on your registry as well as any items you choose to add. Exchanges and returns are hassle free and can be done for any reason online or by phone. 

Target logo, Amazon logo, BuyBuyBaby logo, Walmart Logo, Babylist logo, Pottery Barn Kids logo
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